Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Self-Learning: How we are revolutionizing quality control in industries with high-variability products

NEWS / 03 October 2024

In industries like food production, where product variability is high, ensuring consistent quality control is a constant challenge.

How can the intrinsic variability typical of good products be automatically distinguished from that of non-compliant ones in order to create a stable and feasible quality recipe?

Products with good and acceptable intrinsic variability


Non-compliant products


Traditional vision inspection systems, with their rigid and manual setup, often struggle to adapt to variables such as variations in raw materials, environmental factors, and process machinery fluctuations. However, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and self-learning approaches, the quality control process becomes faster, smarter, and more efficient.

At SENSURE, we use AI algorithms and self-learning approaches to automatically classify products, identifying defects and irregularities in real-time. This ensures best-in-class quality control, even in highly variable environments, without the need for time-consuming manual setups. However, the operator remains in control, with the possibility to manually adjust thresholds and select key features whenever needed, providing a flexible balance between automation and human oversight.

Eliminating the need for manual classification with automatic quality recipes and tolerance thresholds (allowing operators to make subsequent modifications)

How We Do It

One of the things we’ve left behind with traditional systems is the tedious requirement for manually classified samples, with long start-up times for new configurations or modifications. SENSURE AI-powered system learns on its own, directly on the line and adapting to production variables in real-time. It automatically proposes quality recipes and tolerance limits based on live production data, saving time and reducing human error, allowing the operator to make subsequent modification. This capability ensures operators can fine-tune and adjust thresholds or define critical features to maintain full control over the process. The system ensures that we maintain the highest level of accuracy while speeding up the setup process and streamlining production. This brings unprecedented simplicity and control, which traditional systems cannot match.

One of the best features of our AI-powered system is its transparency. Unlike other AI systems that function like black boxes, our solution explains why it makes certain decisions, giving us complete insight into how it determines which products pass or fail quality checks. This level of explainability ensures that we maintain control over the process and can continuously trust the system’s decisions.


Comparison of different approaches


Table comparison

Why It Matters

By adopting SENSURE’s AI-powered, self-learning system, we’ve made quality control in high-variability environments more efficient and reliable. With automatic classification, minimal operator involvement, and real-time adjustments, we’ve enhanced quality control process.

Our technology allows us to focus on delivering top-quality products, while the AI handles quality control in the background. In food industries, where adaptability and precision are key, this system is the future of quality control.

The best way to experience the system is by testing it directly on your production line. Contact SENSURE today to schedule a demo, and see how our AI-driven, self-learning solution can transform your quality control process.